More than $4.3 Million in Funding for Bethlehem Township, Says Emrick

January 25, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Joe Emrick (R-Northampton) announced more than $4.3 million in new funding for a project to construct a new storm sewer system in Bethlehem Township.

The project will include installation of 3,619 feet of new storm sewer with 55 inlets, and replacement of existing culverts on cross streets between Walnut and Turner streets. Vertical curbing will also be installed as part of the project to help capture runoff.

“I’m happy to see this funding for Bethlehem Township,” said Emrick. “This project will ensure residents’ properties are protected from any future flooding in that area.”

This funding has been approved by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST). PENNVEST provides low-interest loans and grants for new construction or for improvements to publicly or privately-owned drinking water, storm water or sewage treatment facilities, as well as non-point source pollution prevention best management practices.

Representative Joe Emrick
137th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Huntre Keip
717.772.9837 /

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