Emrick Announces $1 Million State Investment into 137th District Transportation Projects
March 26, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Joe Emrick (R-Northampton) announced Tuesday that $1 million in state reinvestment will be coming to the 137th District to support local transportation infrastructure projects as part of multimodal funding grants announced across Pennsylvania.
As part of that announcement, Emrick noted the following grants have been awarded:
• Bethlehem Township was awarded $341,963 in grant funding to install an emergency traffic signal at the intersection of Ninth Street and Freemansburg Avenue.
• Lower Nazareth Township was awarded $725,000 for intersection improvements at Butztown Road.
“These grants represent a significant state reinvestment into our community, and I am proud to have worked with local officials to help secure this funding for these critical projects,” Emrick said.
Grant awards are based on such criteria as safety benefits, regional economic conditions, technical and financial feasibility, job creation, energy efficiency and operational sustainability.
The Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the Commonwealth.
Representative Joe Emrick
137th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Huntre Keip
RepEmrick.com / Facebook.com/RepEmrick
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