Emrick Announces More than $2.2 Million in State Grant Funding for 137th District

October 24, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Joe Emrick (R-Northampton) has announced more than $2.2 million in state grant funding to support critical safety and infrastructure improvements in the 137th Legislative District.

Among the key projects benefiting from this funding are $500,000 for the Upper Nazareth Fire Department to purchase a pumper tanker truck; $521,029 for the Colonial Regional Police Department to upgrade its cardiac monitors and police radios; and $350,000 for Nazareth Borough to purchase a 39-acre tract of land known as Black Rock Woods, which abuts the borough’s park, and place it into land preservation with Northampton County.

The fire and police grants represent a vital opportunity to enhance the capabilities of local first responders, providing them with the tools and equipment necessary to respond swiftly and effectively to emergencies. The pumper tanker truck will significantly bolster the Upper Nazareth Fire Department’s ability to maximize the safety of the population the department serves, while the Colonial Regional Police Department will benefit from upgraded equipment to be compatible with Northampton County 911’s communications systems.

“Ensuring our first responders are well-equipped is essential to the safety and security of our communities,” Emrick said. “These grants will help provide the necessary resources to support our firefighters and police officers as they continue to protect and serve our residents.”

In addition to these three major grants, the following projects have also received funding:

• Bethlehem Township – $85,000 to purchase police vehicles.
• Hanover Township – $570,467 to construct a multipurpose field house at First Responders Park.
• Lower Nazareth Township – $40,000 to purchase a new cardiac monitor.
• Lower Nazareth Township, on behalf of Hecktown Volunteer Fire Company – $75,000 for the purchase of training equipment.
• Lower Nazareth Township – $50,000 to purchase a power stretcher and loading system.
• Nazareth Borough, on behalf of Nazareth Regional Ambulance Corps – $50,000 for the installation of an electronic sign in front of the ambulance headquarters.

The grants were approved this week by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, which was established as an independent agency that holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.

Representative Joe Emrick
137th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Huntre Keip
RepEmrick.com / Facebook.com/RepEmrick

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